How to Choose a DSLR Camera for You

How to Choose a DSLR Camera for You

For most newbies and beginners, the term DLSR sounds like a complex word or term, that only professional photographers can understand. But come on, it doesn’t have to confuse or intimidate you. Simply put, DLSR means digital single-lens reflex. This camera banks on merging the operations of a single reflex camera and its ocular abilitieswith a digital imaging sensor instead of using a photographic film. This means that you have better results with a DSLR than you would with a single-lens reflex camera. While there are many types of this camera in stores, you need to pick out one that fits you and your needs. Here are some of the factors to consider.


  • Cost

    Apart from the cost of getting this camera from the store, there will be added costs that come with maintenance and retaining it like batteries, lenses, bags and memory cards.  You need to prepare yourself for all of it.

  • What purpose will use the camera for?How to Choose a DSLR Camera for You

    You have to be clear on this because each type of photography will require a certain type of camera. Photographing in low light won’t require the same camera as photographing in high light.

  • Convenience is crucial. If you are taking photographs at a specific location with minimal movement, you can buy big models but if you are taking photographs from one location to another, don’t increase your baggage. Choose smaller models.
  • Popular myth suggests that the more megapixels you have, the better your photos will be. This is not entirely true. It’s about you need the photos for. If you will need to make alterations to them later then you may need more megapixels. However, if you need photographs for your own amusement much smaller megapixels will suffice.
  • How big or small is the sensor?

    Basically bigger sensors will give you better results. You may need to be ready to spend more if you want a better sensor.

  • Ocular Ability.

    Lenses on different models of DSLR cameras are different but you can be sure that lenses on all DSLR cameras are better than those on point and shoot cameras. Good quality optics will cost more but you’re better off with them.

  • Are you likely to want to improve your DSLR?

    Usually, the features of the camera will suffice when you first buy it. However, should you get better at what you do; you will need better features and more convenience. Invest wiselyPaying more at first may save you the pain of having to buy a better model sooner than later.

  • Which camera apparatus do you already have?

    Usually DSLR cameras will fit in to your current apparatus. Consulting will save you the trouble of over spending or being disappointed especially if your apparatus is from an older generation and won’t fit.

  • Additional characteristics.

    Every DSLR model won’t offer the same characteristics as the other one. For example: the burst mode in one may allow you to take more photos within a shorter time frame, some may have a shutter speed that makes action photography quite thrilling while others don’t, a model with a bigger LCD offers better photo viewing, one model may give you a better chance at protecting your image sensor from dirt than its counterparts and so forth.

  • Scope of focus.

    While this may be dependent on the lenses, a camera that will put more in to focus including the background is more fulfilling to your work.


Different DSLR camera models will offer different features and abilities. This translates in to the fact that the kind of photography you are in to will require a certain model. Consulting before purchase will save you a lot of trouble and perhaps money.


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